Craft Cottage
As part of our mission to provide you with valuable and inspiring content, we are constantly looking for resources that will enhance your creativity. This includes items such as new materials, tools, and techniques. Once in a while, we may partner with another company to write a sponsored craft article. We will only recommend products that we love, and we will always express our honest opinion, experience, and findings. Any craft article that is sponsored will be clearly labeled as such.
Every now and then, folks might send us a sample or freebie to check out. If we like it and we determine it would interest our readers (you!) then we will write about it. We always express our own opinions and will clearly state whether we received something for free.
Gift Shop
We are committed to bringing you quality gift ideas for your loved ones during the holiday season. We spend a great deal of time scouring the web to find unique gift ideas for your loved ones. If we present a product that we have not personally purchased, we heavily consider consumer reviews to ensure that we are only recommending the best products. We only present goods and services that we believe in.
Elf Blog
As part of our commitment to bringing you quality holiday information and gift ideas, we search the web to find festive goods and family activities. In the past, we sparingly placed affiliate links on the Elf Blog. We have discontinued our use of affiliate programs, so any affiliate links in blog posts are no longer active.
In the past Northpole.com used affiliate links in select places throughout the site, including the Gift Shop, Elf Blog, Craft Cottage, Santa’s Den, and Toy Shop. Due to internal changes, we no longer use affiliate links anywhere on the site.